Abdul Hamid II

Osmanli-nisani.svg    Abdul Hamid II
Sultan of the Ottoman Empire
Caliph of Muslims
Tughra of Abdülhamid II.JPG
Reign 1876–1909
Period Decline of the Ottoman Empire
Full Name HIM Grand Sultan and Caliph Abdülhamid II
Born 22 September 1842(1842-09-22)
Died 10 February 1918(1918-02-10) (aged 75)
Predecessor Murad V
Successor Mehmed V
Royal House House of Osman
Dynasty Ottoman Dynasty

His Imperial Majesty, The Sultan Abdülhamid II, Emperor of the Ottomans, Caliph of the Faithful, (AKA: Abdul Hamid II or Abd Al-Hamid II Khan Ghazi), (Ottoman Turkish: عبد الحميد ثانی `Abdü’l-Ḥamīd-i sânî, Turkish: İkinci Abdülhamit) (21/22 September 1842 – 10 February 1918) was the 34th sultan of the Ottoman Empire. He oversaw a period of decline in the power and extent of the Empire, ruling from 31 August 1876 until he was deposed on 27 April 1909. Abdülhamid II was the last Ottoman Sultan to rule with absolute power, and was succeeded by Mehmed V.

Known to some as the Ulu Hakan ("Great Khan"). His deposition following the Young Turk Revolution was hailed by most Ottoman citizens, who welcomed the return to constitutional rule.[1]



Unlike many other Ottoman sultans, Abdülhamid II traveled to distant countries. Nine years before he took the throne, he accompanied his uncle Sultan Abdülaziz on his visit to Austria, France and England in 1867.

Accession to throne, 1876

Young Abdulhamid

He succeeded to the throne following the deposition of his brother Murad on August 31, 1876.[2] He himself was deposed in favor of his brother Mehmed in 1909. His brother had no real powers and continued as a figurehead only. At his accession, some commentators were impressed by the fact that he rode practically unattended to the Eyüp Sultan Mosque where he was given the Sword of Osman. Most people expected Abdülhamid II to have liberal ideas, and some conservatives were inclined to regard him with suspicion as a dangerous reformer.

He took over default in the public funds, and an empty treasury.

He was made the 1,058th Knight of the Order of the Golden Fleece in Spain in 1880 and the 202nd Grand Cross of the Portuguese Order of the Tower and Sword in 1882.

First Constitutional Era, 1876–1877

He did not plan and express any goal in his accession speech, however he worked with the Young Ottomans to realize some form of constitutional arrangements[3] This new form in its theoretical space could help to realize a liberal transition with Islamic arguments, which could balance the Tanzimat's imitation of western norms. The political structure of western norms did not work with the centuries-old Ottoman political culture, even if the pressure from the Western world was enormous to adapt western ways of political decision. On 23 December 1876, under the shadow of the 1875 insurrection in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the war with Serbia and Montenegro and the feeling aroused throughout Europe by the cruelty used in stamping out the Bulgarian rebellion, he declared the constitution and its parliament.

The international Constantinople Conference which met at Constantinople[4][5] towards the end of 1876 was surprised by the promulgation of a constitution, but European powers at the conference rejected the constitution as a significant change; they preferred the 1856 constitution, the Hatt-ı Hümayun and 1839 Hatt-ı Şerif of Gülhane, but questioned whether there was need for a parliament to act as an official voice of the people.

In any event, like many other would-be reforms of the Ottoman Empire change proved to be nearly impossible. Russia continued to mobilize for war. However, everything changed when the British fleet approached the capital from the Sea of Marmara. The Sultan suspended (but did not abolish) the constitution and Midhat Pasha, its author, was exiled soon afterwards. Early in 1877 the Ottoman Empire went to war with the Russian Empire.


Seal of Sultan Abdul Hamid II

Abdul Hamid's biggest fear, near dissolution, was coming to effect by the Russians declaration of war on 24 April 1877 and following Russian victory by February 1878. Abdul Hamid did not find any help. The chancellor Prince Gorchakov had effectively purchased Austrian neutrality with the Reichstadt Agreement, and the British Empire, though still fearing the Russian threat to British dominance in Southern Asia, did not involve itself in the conflict. The Treaty of San Stefano imposed harsh terms: the Ottoman Empire gave independence to Romania, Serbia, and Montenegro; to grant autonomy to Bulgaria; to institute reforms in Bosnia and Herzegovina; and to cede the Dobruja and parts of Armenia to Russia, which would also be paid an enormous indemnity.

As Russia could dominate the newly independent states, her influence in Southeastern Europe was greatly increased by the Treaty of San Stefano. Due to the insistence of the Great Powers (especially the United Kingdom), the treaty was later revised at the Congress of Berlin so as to reduce the great advantages acquired by Russia. In exchange of these favors, Cyprus was "rented" to Britain in 1878 while the British forces occupied Egypt and Sudan in 1882 with the pretext of "bringing order" to those provinces. Cyprus, Egypt and Sudan remained as Ottoman provinces "on paper" until 1914, when Britain officially annexed those territories in response to the Ottoman participation in World War I at the side of the Central Powers.

Crete was granted extended privileges, but these did not satisfy the population, which sought unification with Greece. In early 1897 a Greek expedition sailed to Crete to overthrow Ottoman rule in the island. This act was followed by war, in which the Ottoman Empire defeated Greece (see the Greco-Turkish War (1897)). But a few months later Crete was taken over en depot by England, France, and Russia. Prince George of Greece was appointed as ruler and Crete was also lost to the Ottoman Empire.

Securing Germany's support

Bodo-Borries von Ditfurth (1852–1915)

The Triple Entente – that is, the United Kingdom, France and Russia – maintained strained relations with the Ottoman Empire. Abdülhamid and his close advisors believed the empire should be treated as an equal player by these great powers. In the Sultan's view, the Ottoman Empire was a European empire, distinct for having more Muslims than Christians. Abul Hamid and his divan viewed themselves as modern, however their actions were often construed by Europeans as exotic or uncivilized.[6]

Abdülhamid now viewed the new German Empire as a possible friend of the empire. Kaiser Wilhelm II was twice hosted by Abdülhamid in Constantinople; first on October 21, 1889, and nine years later, on October 5, 1898 (Wilhelm II later visited Constantinople for a third time, on October 15, 1917, as a guest of Mehmed V). German officers (like Baron von der Goltz and von Ditfurth) were employed to oversee the reorganization of the Ottoman army.

German government officials were brought in to reorganize the Ottoman government's finances. Abdülhamid tried to take more of the reins of power into his own hands, for he distrusted his ministers. Germany's friendship was not disinterested, and had to be fostered with railway and loan concessions. In 1899 a significant German desire, the Baghdad Railway, was given to them.

2nd Constitutional Era, 1908

The national humiliation of the situation in Macedonia, together with the resentment in the army against the palace spies and informers, at last brought matters to a crisis.

In the summer of 1908 the Young Turk revolution broke out and Abdülhamid, upon learning that the troops in Salonica were marching on Constantinople (July 23), at once capitulated. On the 24th an irade announced the restoration of the suspended constitution of 1876; the next day, further irades abolished espionage and censorship, and ordered the release of political prisoners.

On December 17, Abdülhamid opened the Turkish parliament with a speech from the throne in which he said that the first parliament had been "temporarily dissolved until the education of the people had been brought to a sufficiently high level by the extension of instruction throughout the empire."

Countercoup, 1909

The new attitude of the sultan did not save him from the suspicion of intriguing with the powerful reactionary elements in the state, a suspicion confirmed by his attitude towards the counter-revolution of April 13, 1909 known as 31 Mart Vakası, when an insurrection of the soldiers backed by a conservative public upheaval in the capital overthrew the cabinet. The government, restored by soldiers from Salonica, decided on Abdülhamid's deposition, and on April 27 his brother Reshad Efendi was proclaimed as Sultan Mehmed V.

The Sultan's countercoup, which had appealed to conservative Islamists in the context of the Young Turks' liberal reforms, resulted in the massacre of tens of thousands of Christian Armenians in the Adana province.[7]

Ideology and Progress


Most people expected Abdülhamid II to have liberal ideas, and some conservatives were inclined to regard him with suspicion as a dangerous reformer. In the event, like many other would-be reformers of the Ottoman Empire, change proved to be nearly impossible. Default in the public funds, an empty treasury, the 1875 insurrection in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the war with Serbia and Montenegro and the feeling aroused throughout Europe by the cruelty used in stamping out the Bulgarian rebellion all proved good reasons not to undertake any significant changes.

There were many setbacks:

Over the years Abdülhamid succeeded in reducing his ministers to the position of secretaries, and he concentrated much of the administration of the Empire into his own hands at Yıldız Palace. But internal dissension was not reduced. Crete was constantly in turmoil. The Greeks living within the Ottoman Empire's borders were dissatisfied, as were the Armenians.

His distrust for the reformist admirals of the Ottoman navy (whom he suspected of plotting against him and trying to bring back the 1876 constitution) and his subsequent decision to lock the Ottoman fleet (which ranked as the 3rd largest fleet in the world during the reign of his predecessor Abdülaziz) inside the Golden Horn caused the loss of Ottoman overseas territories and islands in North Africa, the Mediterranean Sea and the Aegean Sea during and after his reign.[8]

Question of Islam

Abdülhamid recognized that the ideas Tanzimat could not bring the disparate peoples of the empire to common identity, such as Ottomanism. The Russia's pan-Slavism, pan-Hellennism, was stronger than Ottomanism, in the Ottoman Empire. Abdülhamid tried to hold on formulation of a new and more relevant ideological principle. Ottoman sultans beginning with 1517 were also Caliphs. He wanted to put forward that fact, so he emphasized the Ottoman Caliphate.

Abdülhamid always resisted the pressure of the European powers to the last moment, in order to seem to yield only to overwhelming force, while posing as the champion of Islam against aggressive Christendom. Panislamic propaganda was encouraged; the privileges of foreigners in the Ottoman Empire, which were often seen as an obstacle to government, were curtailed. Along with the strategically important Istanbul-Baghdad Railway, the Istanbul-Medina Railway was also completed -making the Hajj somewhat easier- though there was still a 160-mile (260 km) camel ride to get to Mecca. Emissaries were sent to distant countries preaching Islam and the Caliph's supremacy. During his rule, Abdülhamid refused Theodor Herzl's offers to pay down a substantial portion of the Ottoman debt in exchange for a charter allowing the Zionists access to Palestine.

to have the scalpel cut my body is less painful than to witness Palestine being detached from the Khilafah state and this is not going to happen ...let the Jews keep their millions and once the Khilafah is torn apart one day, then they can take Palestine without a price.

Abdülhamid's appeals to Muslim sentiment were powerless against widespread disaffection within his Empire due to perennial misgovernment. In Mesopotamia and Yemen disturbance was endemic; nearer home, a semblance of loyalty was maintained in the army and among the Muslim population only by a system of delation and espionage, and by wholesale arrests. After his rule began, Abdülhamid became obsessed with the paranoia of being assassinated and withdrew himself into the fortified seclusion of the Yıldız Palace.

Armenian Question

Starting around 1890 the Armenians began demanding the implementation the reforms which were promised to them at the Berlin conference.[9] Unrest occurred in 1892 and 1893 at Merzifon and Tokat. Armenian groups staged protests and were met by violence. Sultan Abdülhamid did not hesitate to put down these revolts with harsh methods, possibly to show the unshakable power of the monarch, and often used the local Muslims (in most cases the Kurds) against the Armenians.[10]. According to Turkish scholar Taner Akçam, Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany claimed that eighty thousand Armenians had been killed, and French reports claimed that two hundred thousand had been killed.[11] In 1907, the Armenian Revolutionary Federation attempted to assassinate him. Surviving the assassination, he pardoned the assassin.

Deposition and aftermath

The mausoleum (türbe) of Sultan Abdul Hamid II, located at Divan Yolu street.

The ex-sultan was conveyed into dignified captivity at Salonica. In 1912, when Salonica fell to Greece, he was returned to captivity in Constantinople. He spent his last days studying, carpentering and writing his memoirs in custody at Beylerbeyi Palace in the Bosphorus, where he died on 10 February 1918, just a few months before his brother, the Sultan. He was buried in Constantinople. Abdülhamid was the last relatively authoritative Sultan of the Ottoman Empire. He presided over thirty three years of decline. The Ottoman Empire had long been acknowledged as the Sick Man of Europe.

Pictures from Empire

Abdulhamid II color

Abdülhamid commissioned thousands of photographs of his empire. Fearful of assassination, he did not travel often (though still more than many previous rulers) and photographs provided visual evidence of what was taking place in his realm. The Sultan presented large gift albums of photographs to various governments and heads of state, including the United States (William Allen, "The Abdul Hamid II Collection," History of Photography eight (1984): 119–45.) and Great Britain (M. I. Waley and British Library, "Sultan Abdulhamid II Early Turkish Photographs in 51 Albums from the British Library on Microfiche" (Zug, Switzerland: IDC, 1987). The American collection is housed in the Library of Congress and has been digitized. *Ottoman Empire photographs at the Library of Congress

Personal life

Here is a sample of his handwritten poetry, which was taken from the book "My Father Abdul Hameed," written by his daughter Ayşe Sultan

Abdülhamid II was born at Çırağan Palace, Ortaköy, or at Topkapı Palace, both in Constantinople, the son of Sultan Abdülmecid I and one of his many wives, the Valide Sultan Tirimüjgan, (Yerevan, 16 August 1819 – Constantinople, Feriye Palace, 3 October 1852), originally named Virjin, an Armenian.[12] He later also became the adoptive son of another of his father's wives, Valide Sultan Rahime Perestu. He was a skilled carpenter and personally crafted most of his own furniture, which can be seen today at the Yıldız Palace and Beylerbeyi Palace in Istanbul. Abdülhamid II was also interested in opera and personally wrote the first-ever Turkish translations of many opera classics. He also composed several opera pieces for the Mızıka-ı Hümayun which he established, and hosted the famous performers of Europe at the Opera House of Yıldız Palace which was recently restored and featured in the film Harem Suare (1999) of the Turkish-Italian director Ferzan Özpetek, which begins with the scene of Abdülhamid II watching a performance.

In the opinion of F. A. K. Yasamee:[13]

He was a striking amalgam of determination and timidity, of insight and fantasy, held together by immense practical caution and an instinct for the fundamentals of power. He was frequently underestimated. Judged on his record, he was a formidable domestic politician and an effective diplomat[14]

He was also a good wrestler of Yağlı güreş and a 'patron saint' of the wrestlers. He organised wrestling tournaments in the empire and selected wrestlers were invited to the palace. Abdülhamid personally tried the sportsmen and good ones remained in the palace.


The Tughra (Signature) of Abdülhamid – on right "el Ghazi" (the conqueror) [15]

Abdülhamid was also a poet just like many other Ottoman sultans. One of the sultan's poems translates thus:

My Lord I know you are the Dear One (Al-Aziz)

... And no one but you are the Dear One
You are the One, and nothing else
My God take my hand in these hard times
My God be my helper in this critical hour

He was extremely fond of Sherlock Holmes novels.[16]

First marriage and issue

He married firstly in Constantinople on 15 November 1868 to Georgian HH Bedrifelek Kadin Efendi (Poti, 4 January 1851 – Constantinople, Yıldız Palace, 6 February 1930), and had:

Second marriage and issue

He married secondly at Constantinople, Yıldız Palace, on 2 September 1875 to Caucasian HH Biydâr Kadin Efendi (Caucasus, 5 May 1858 – Erenköy, Asia Minor, 1 January 1918), and had:

Third marriage and issue

He married thirdly at Constantinople, Yıldız Palace, on 10 April 1883 to Georgian HH Dilpesend Kadın Efendi (Tbilisi, 16 January 1865 – IstanbulConstantinople, Yıldız Palace, 5 October 1903), and had:

Fourth marriage and issue

He married fourthly at Constantinople, Yıldız Palace, on 2 January 1885 to Azerbaijani HH Mezide Mestan Haseki Kadın Efendi (Ganja, 3 March 1869 – Constantinople, Yıldız Palace, 21 January 1909), and had:

Fifth marriage and issue

He married fifthly at Constantinople, Yıldız Palace, on 24 January 1893 to Caucasian HH Peyvesti Osman Haseki Kadın Efendi (Caucasus, 10 May 1873 – Paris, 1944 and buried there at Bobigny Cemetery), and had:

Sixth marriage and issue

He married sixthly at Constantinople, Yıldız Palace, on 10 May 1900 to Georgian HH Behice Maan Haseki Kadın Efendi (Batumi, 10 October 1882 – 22 October 1969), and had:

Seventh marriage and issue

He married seventhly at Constantinople, Yıldız Palace, on 4 November 1904 to HH Saliha Naciye Haseki Kadın Efendi (1887 – Erenköy, Asia Minor, 4 December 1923), and had:

Other marriages and issue

He married HH Nazikedâ Kadın Efendi and had:

He married an unknown wife, and had:

He married Georgian HH Emsalinur Kadın Efendi (Tbilisi, 2 January 1866 – ?), and had:

He married Caucasian HH Müsfikâ Kadın Efendi (Hopa, Caucasus, 10 December 1867 – Constantinople, July 1961), and had:

He married HH Sazkâr Haseki Kadın Efendi (8 May 1873 – ?), and had:

He married an unknown wife, and had:

He married an unknown wife, and had:

He married Circassian HH Gwaschemasch'e Kadın Efendi (Constantinople, Çırağan Palace, 21 June 1877 – ?), and had:

He married HH Safinaz Kadın Efendi, sister of HH Yıldız Kadın Efendi, a wife of Sultan Abdülaziz I, without issue


  1. Kinross, Patrick (1977) The Ottoman Centuries: The Rise and Fall of the Turkish Empire London: Perennial. ISBN 9780688080938. p. 576.
  2. Chambers Biographical Dictionary, ISBN 0-550-18022-2, page 3
  3. Roderique H. Davison, Reform in the Ottoman Empire (Princeton, 1963)
  4. The Encyclopædia Britannica, Vol.7, Edited by Hugh Chisholm, (1911), 3; Constantinople, the capital of the Turkish Empire...
  5. Britannica, Istanbul:When the Republic of Turkey was founded in 1923, the capital was moved to Ankara, and Constantinople was officially renamed Istanbul in 1930.
  6. Selim Deringil "The Well-Protected Domains: Ideology and the Legitimation of Power in the Ottoman Empire, 1876-1909" p 139–150
  7. Creelman, James (August 22, 1909). "THE SLAUGHTER OF CHRISTIANS IN ASIA MINOR". The New York Times. http://select.nytimes.com/gst/abstract.html?res=F00812FF3F5A15738DDDAB0A94D0405B898CF1D3. 
  8. http://www.dzkk.tsk.mil.tr/English/Tarihce.asp Turkish Naval History: The Period of the Navy Ministry
  9. Curios Information about Armenia - Armenica
  10. Constitutional Rights Foundation
  11. Akçam, Taner: A Shameful Act: The Armenian Genocide and the Question of Turkish Responsibility, transl. Paul Bessemer, Metropolitan Books, New York. 2006
  12. Freely, John – Inside the Seraglio, published 1999, Chapter 15: On the Shores of the Bosphorus
  13. Ottoman Diplomacy: Abdülhamid II and the Great Powers 1878 – 1888
  14. F. A. K. Yasamee. Ottoman Diplomacy: Abdülhamid II and the Great Powers 1878 – 1888 p.20
  15. Minkus New World-Wide Stamp Catalog (1974-75 ed.), Turkey, note preceding no. 144.
  16. Turner, Barry. Suez.1956 p.32–33

Further reading

See also

Abdul Hamid II
Born: September 21, 1842 Died: February 10, 1918
Regnal titles
Preceded by
Murad V
Sultan of the Ottoman Empire
Aug 31, 1876 – Apr 27, 1909
Succeeded by
Mehmed V
Sunni Islam titles
Preceded by
Murad V
Caliph of Islam
Aug 31, 1876 – Apr 27, 1909
Succeeded by
Mehmed V